Top Post-Op Recovery Treatments in Houston
Doctors recommend Victoria Heavenly Spa to their patients who've undergone surgery.
Healing from surgery or an invasive cosmetic procedure can be a long process. We offer expert post-operative care using a variety of physician-recommended treatments to aid the healing process, flush out excess fluids, and prevent the build up of excess scar tissue. You'll heal faster and with less pain when you followup your surgery with post-operative care, and you'll maximize the results of your cosmetic procedure.
- Feel Better Faster
- Reduce Inflammation and Pain
- Reduce Swelling
- Improve Circulation

Pressotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses pressurized air to reduce swelling and improve circulation and reduce swelling. It is a great way to reduce swelling after liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) or other types of surgery.

Futura Pro:
Futura Pro is a non-invasive treatment that combines radiofrequency, ultrasound, and vacuum to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, and improve body contour. It can also be used to reduce swelling and promote healing after Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and other types of surgery.

Radio frequency:
Experience the benefits of radio frequency therapy, including reduced wrinkles, tighter skin, and improved overall skin health and appearance.
Ultrasound in Aesthetic:
Ultrasound in aesthetics is a great way to improve your overall skin health and appearance without the risks and side effects of surgery. Ultrasound in aesthetic is a non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound energy to promote healing and reduce inflammation after facelift surgery, as well as to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Venus Legacy:
Venus Legacy is used to promote healing and reduce inflammation, resulting in a smoother, more youthful complexion. Venus Legacy is a non-invasive treatment that uses radio frequency and magnetic pulses to tighten skin, reduce cellulite, and improve circulation. It can be used on the body or to improve the results of facelift surgery by tightening the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
LED Therapy:
This light therapy treatment can help to reduce inflammation, promote healing after surgery, and improve skin tone. It can be used to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.It is a popular treatment for a variety of skin concerns, including acne, rosacea, eczema, fine lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.
Post Op Treatments After a Face Lift
After a facelift, it's important to get regular lymphatic drainage massages to help reduce swelling and promote healing. These same treatments and technologies can be adapted and customized to be used on the face. They will accelerate healing and maximize your results after your procedure.
Facial lymphatic drainage massage will help drain the lymphatic system in the face and neck. It can help to reduce swelling, improve circulation, and give you a more radiant complexion.
Facial Ultrasound can be used to reduce swelling and promote healing after facelift surgery, as well as to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Venus Legacy can be used to improve the results of facelift surgery by tightening the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Radiofrequency can be used to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles after facelift surgery.
LED therapy can be used to reduce swelling and promote healing after facelift surgery, as well as to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Get started with a Free Consultation.
Meet with us and get a personalized treatment plan. If you’re under the care of physician or surgeon, we are happy to confer with them and keep them informed of your treatment.